Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary

Curriculum - Progression Documents

For each subject, a Progression Map has been developed by the Subject Leader in order to identify the specific learning that takes place in each subject.  Progression Maps show the key substantive and disciplinary knowledge the children will learn and develop as the progress through primary school.

Subject Leaders are developing the key vocabulary within each subject to ensure children are able to use it accurately and well.

For more details on each subject, please click on the links below: 

Art - EYFS and KS1

Art - KS2


Design and Technology


Geography - EYFS and KS1

Geography KS2

History - EYFS and KS1

History - KS2


MFL (Modern Foreign Languages)


PE (Physical Education)

RHSE (Relationships, Health and Sex Education)

RE (Religious Education)


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