Current diary dates
- 2 Dec 24 - Nativity Play Performance 6.00pm
- 3 Dec 24 - Nativity Play Performance 2.00pm
- 6 Dec 24 - Jaguar Class Worship
- 6 Dec 24 - FOSJ School Disco
- 9 Dec 24 - Flu Vaccinations (Nasal Spray)
- 12 Dec 24 - Open Afternoon for Prospective Parents
- 13 Dec 24 - FOSJ Christmas Fair
- 19 Dec 24 - Christingle Service at St Giles' Church 9.00am
- 20 Dec 24 - Last Day of the Autumn Term
- 6 Jan 25 - First Day of Spring Term
Welcome to Elephant Class!
Elephants is the class for children in Years 3 and 4. Our teacher is Mrs Holt. We also have support from Mrs North, Mrs Skirrow and Mrs Brady.
Years 3 & 4 are Junior Children who follow Lower Key Stage 2 - National Curriculum.
A typical day for us would look like this.
- Breakfast Club is open everyday from 8am-8.45am - we can have breakfast and play with our friends before the start of the school day.
- At 8.45am we head to class and start the morning with some times table practice, reading or handwriting.
- This is followed by Collective Worship in the school hall, St Giles' church or the classroom.
- At 9.20am it's time for English or RWI Phonics.
- This is followed, at 10.20am by SPaG - Spelling Punctuation and Grammar - a discreet 20 minute lesson with the whole class.
- Then a 15 minute play time
- After play it's time for our daily Maths lesson.
- Our morning sessions finish at 11.55 as it's lunchtime between 12 and 1.
- Both the children who bring packed lunches and those that take hot school meals (supplied and ordered direct with Chartwells) eat together in the hall and are able to sit at mixed age tables with their siblings and / or friends. We all go out for playtime at 12.30. On rainy days we have to stay on the playground but on fair days we get to use our amazing school field.
- After lunch, children will take part in a range of subjects including Science, Geography, History, Music, PE, Religious Education, Art, Design Technology, Computing, Forest School or RHE. Our half termly overview provides more detail on this. Please see below.
- Our school day finishes at 3.15pm but there are fully funded sports clubs run by Joe Gravestock and Matt Dingle from 1:1 FFPC four days a week until 4.15pm which are booked with us termly.
- We are also proud to work in partnership with Jo Kent from Chuckleberries, our on site pre-school and afterschool childcare provision until 5pm. The children have time to unwind in the well resourced indoor and outdoor classrooms, spend time outdoors in our wider school grounds, can be supported with homework and are provided with snacks, drinks and dinner. This is booked directly with Chuckleberries on a weekly basis for just £5 a session.
The Elephant's Curriculum
Here is our curriculum overview for this half term ~ We are going to be busy!
Elephants Class Overview Autumn 2023
Useful Links:
Class Dojo - Our Whole School Behaviour Programme and Messaging Platform.
1 Minute Maths - From White Rose - Daily Play
Y3-HL-Autumn-Block-1-Place-Value- Year 3 Autumn Term Maths Unit
Y4-HL-Autumn-Block-1-Place-Value - Year 4 Autumn Term Maths Unit
Times Tables Rock Stars - Multiplication and Division Solved - Daily Play
Remember to visit on a regular basis for updates on what we've been up to, to see some photos and to also see some examples of our fabulous work!