Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary


The role of the Governors is set out clearly in Education Law.  Essentially we have a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with an ambitious vision for the school which is to promote high standards of educational achievement, to ensure that our children stay safe, are healthy, enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution whilst they are in school.  There is a range of policy, practice and performance within the school for which the governing body, as a group, is ultimately responsible.

The implementation of policy and practice in the school is carried out by the Head Teacher and his staff.  This includes teaching, support and administrative staff utilising their considerable knowledge and skills.  As Governors we ask questions, review the impact of policies and practice and assess the progress being made against plans and targets.

The Governors meet twice a term as a full Governing Body and there is a Finance & Resources Committee and Teaching & Learning Committee which also meets twice a term.

The key responsibilities of the Governors is to:

  • Set Targets for pupil achievement
  • Manage the school's budget
  • Ensure the curriculum is balanced, broad and in line with National requirements.
  • Report National Curriculum assessments to parents
  • Appoint and monitor the performance of the Head Teacher and a range of other staff related matters including policies on performance, grievances and pay.
  • Ensure provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
  • Respond to finding of school inspections

The Governors recognise that we are indeed fortunate to have a small Village School which is so very well equipped and benefits from wonderful surrounding grounds.

Governors at both St James' and Amberley in partnership with all the staff at both schools have defined the School Values that we feel are vitally important to us.

At our schools we understand the importance of every day in each child's life and we believe that all our children have the right to the best possible learning experiences during their time with us.

At our school children, teachers and parents know that there are high expectations of them in all aspects of school life.  We are committed to an exciting curriculum that interests, includes and engages all the children and we know that learning must be enjoyable.

Our Christian ethos encourages kind, thoughtful, responsible behaviour and within a supportive community like ours everyone's contribution is valued.


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