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Enabling every child to thrive and succeed
Curriculum Impact Statement
Having set out our vision for the curriculum and planned how to implement it, we need to be able to measure the impact in order to be sure that we are meeting our objectives.
The impact of the curriculum is measured in the following ways: -
- Surveys of pupils, parents and staff.
- Statutory summative assessments: EYFS profiles; Year 1 Phonics check; Year 2 SATs; Year 4 multiplication check; Year 6 SATs.
- DfE data reports (ASP)
- Non-statutory assessments as defined in our Assessment Policy.
- Continuous formative assessment, as defined in our Assessment Policy and Feedback and Marking Policy.
- Monitoring activities by SLT and subject leaders, including: visits to lessons; pupil interviews; book scrutinies; planning scrutinies; and learning walks.
- Feedback from Ofsted, local authority and Diocesan visits.
- Internal data analysis and pupil progress meetings.
- Where possible, tracking pupils as they move on to secondary education.
All the measures help us to ensure that:
- All children’s attainment and progress are at least as good as national.
- All children make the best possible progress from their starting points.
- All children achieve the very best of which they are capable.
- Children from vulnerable groups have attainment and progress that is at least in line with those groups nationally, and that any gaps are being closed.
- All subjects in the curriculum are well taught and lead to children learning and remembering more, so that they develop full and robust schemata.