Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary

Implementation - Threshold Concept Maps

Enabling every child to thrive and succeed   

Other Subjects 

In addition to English and Mathematics, children learn Science; Art and Design; History; Geography; Music; Physical Education (with swimming in KS2); Design Technology; Computing; and French in KS2. 

You can see how we cover these subjects on our long-term curriculum map. 

To ensure that children in our mixed-age classes are working at the appropriate level for their age, we have written Threshold Concept Maps.  These also help to ensure that key concepts in each subject are regularly revisited to help children learn and remember more as they go through the school, leading to the building of strong schemata – networks of knowledge in their long-term memory. 

The concept maps include key vocabulary that we want children to learn, and opportunities to provide additional challenge for high attainers in each subject. 

You can see all the concept maps by clicking on the links below: 

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 1

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 2

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 3

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 4

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 5

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 6

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 7

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 8

Threshold Concept Map-Mathematics 9

Threshold Concept Map - Geography

Threshold Concept Map - History

Threshold Concept Map - Music

Threshold concept Map - Modern Foreign Languages

Threshold Concept Map - Working Scientifically

Threshold Concept Map - Art and Design

Threshold Concept Map - Design Technology

Threshold Concept Map - PE - Dance

Threshold Concept Map - PE - Games

Threshold Concept Map - PE - Gymnastics

Threshold Concept Map - PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activities 

Threshold Concept Map - Computing Skills Progression


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