Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary

School Organisation

St James' is a much smaller than average school, and we have fewer than thirty children in each year group. This means that children are in mixed-age classes. As with any kind of school organisation, there are both advantages and challenges in this.

Our classes are typically smaller than they are in larger schools, which allows teachers and teaching assistant to give each child additional individual attention.

Children spend longer than a year with each teacher. This means that the teacher is able to build an excellent relationship with each child and can meet their needs well. Children already in the class can be role models and mentors for the younger children who come up to join them, and children can make friendships beyond their own year group. Younger children may aspire to do what they see the older children doing, which helps them to achieve high standards.

The oldest and youngest children in each year group are not always the oldest and youngest in the class, which is a real advantage for them.

The challenges lie in ensuring that all children are learning at the appropriate level for their age and ability. You can read more about how we have redesigned our curriculum to make sure that all children are able to do this.

Currently, we have four classes at St James', as follows:

Penguins - Reception

Rhinos – Years 1 and 2

Elephants - Years 3 and 4

Jaguars - Years 5 and 6

The school day at St James' starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm.


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