Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary

Friends of St James' (FOSJ)



The FOSJ is run by parents on a voluntary basis. All parents are welcome to help at the events we organise even if they are not on the committee.

What events do the FOSJ run?

Major events include the summer and Christmas fetes.  Other events have included a fireworks night, Halloween discos, Easter egg hunts, BBQs and WalthamFEST.

Funds in the past have gone towards a variety of things such as new play equipment, laptop computers, reading books and bicycles for the Early Years children.                           



Here is a way you can support FOSJ from home:

Do you buy online from:

Amazon, Ebay, Argos, Next, Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Tesco, M&S, Debenhams, Asda, British Airways, Interflora, Laura Ashley, Clarks, Boots, Matalan, Homebase, The Train Line, Dress for Less, Littlewoods

and lots more?

If so then please logon to THE GIVING MACHINE first and raise funds for our school.

Its easy to donate:

1. Logon to

2. Click on Find School or Charity to Support button at base of page and choose St James CE Primary School as the beneficiary

3. Click on Join & Support

4. Add your details on right hand side (Name, Password, Email and Postcode), Tick terms and conditions and press Submit

5. Go shopping and make make some funds for the school! 



Website by Greenhouse School Websites