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Parents In School

A good partnership with parents is vital to the school's success as a learning organization. When parents and school work successfully together, the results have a positive impact on the child's development and learning. This can be seen as two-way communication of information, knowledge and expertise.

We ask our parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly and behave well when they are there.

Parents often volunteer to come into school to help out but if this is not possible there are other ways to be part of the partnership: by taking an interest, supporting children with homework, talking about learning, reading at home, and attending events.  We have a team of parents and governors who are 'Reading Buddies' and come into school regularly each week to hear specific children read.  We hold information meetings for all new parents before the beginning of every new school year and there are meetings in the autumn and spring terms for parents to discuss their child formally with the class teacher.  We also have an 'open door' policy which means that if you have particular concerns or questions then you are welcome to make an appointment to see the class teacher at any time. 

Records of Achievement (reports) are written at the end of the Summer term and sent home to parents

The Friends of St James' School (FOSJ) is another way to help school and get to know other parents. This is a fund raising association run on behalf of the school. Parents also have representation on the Governing body.

We hope that all parents will enjoy our working relationship and, indeed, parents frequently tell us how much they will miss school when their children move on.

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